Data Dictionaries and Common Categories
UTP CDW - PCORnet Common Data Model
Our main data warehouse conforms to the PCORnet Common Data Model (CDM) Specification. PCORnet Network Partners perform rigorous work upfront that enables users to ask the same question to millions of people across the United States simultaneously, with fast answers delivered in a single, standardized format.
This is a selection of tables and commonly used columns, along with category counts as of the latest CDW refresh date.
Version 6.0 of the specification, listing all tables and columns is available at pcornet.org.
Notes about some common values:
No information: A data field for an enumeration is present in the source system, but the source value is null or blank.
Unknown: A data field for an enumeration is present in the source system, but the source value explicitly denotes an unknown value.
Other: A data field for an enumeration is present in the source system, but the source value cannot be mapped to the PCORnet CDM.
Column | Number of Records | Unique Values | Top 5 Most Common Values |
Sex | 6,039,176 | 5 | Female (3303984, 54.57%) Male (2727906, 45.06%) Unknown (20492, 0.34%) Other (2029, 0.03%) |
Hispanic | 6,039,176 | 6 | No (5014112, 78.94%) Yes (925441, 14.57%) Refuse to answer (249969, 3.94%) Unknown (114822, 1.81%) |
City | 6,039,176 | 14533 | Houston (3714895, 49.05%) Katy (390637, 5.16%) Spring (309503, 4.09%) Humble (168472, 2.22%) Richmond (167050, 2.21%) |
Age | 6,039,176 | 0 | Over 65 (1536652, 20.29%) 50 - 65 (1474848, 19.47%) 18 and under (1137802, 15.02%) 40 - 49 (1093106, 14.43%) 30 - 39 (1085320, 14.33%) 19 - 29 (1028071, 13.57%) |
Column | Number of Records | Unique Values | Top 5 Most Common Values |
PX Type | 78,597,781 | 2 | CPT or HCPCS (54458521, 69.29%) Other (24139260, 30.71%) |
PX Source | 78,597,781 | 2 | Billing (57199639, 72.78%) Order/EHR (21398142, 27.22%) |
PX | 78,597,781 | 39389 | 99213 (5415472, 6.89%) 99214 (3393160, 4.32%) 99232 (2192075, 2.79%) 93010 (1629327, 2.07%) 6370000001 (1609325, 2.05%) |
PPX | 78,597,781 | 4 | Principal (44419474, 56.51%) Other (22771303, 28.97%) Secondary (7041964, 8.96%) No information (4365040, 5.55%) |
Encounter Type | 78,597,781 | 7 | Ambulatory Visit (37580451, 47.81%) Inpatient (17315022, 22.03%) Other Ambulatory (11087099, 14.11%) Emergency Department (7310622, 9.30%) Other (4860093, 6.18%) |
Column | Number of Records | Unique Values | Top 5 Most Common Values |
BMI | 11,940,201 | 17284 | 30 - 40 (2563973, 25.39%) 25 - 29 (2513694, 24.90%) 20 - 24 (2242975, 22.21%) < 20 (2010606, 19.91%) > 40 (765781, 7.58%) |
Height | 11,940,201 | 375 | 5' 0'' - 5' 4'' (1563522, 36.21%) 5' 5'' - 5' 9'' (1227076, 28.42%) < 5' 0'' (1034003, 23.95%) 5' 10'' - 6' 3'' (455016, 10.54%) > 6' 3'' (38100, 0.88%) |
Diastolic BP | 11,940,201 | 199 | 70 - 84 (4477319, 54.30%) 55 - 69 (2242953, 27.20%) 85 - 100 (1191167, 14.45%) < 55 (199026, 2.41%) > 100 (134571, 1.63%) |
Weight | 11,940,201 | 1914 | 150 - 200 (1534541, 32.16%) 100 - 150 (1130164, 23.68%) < 100 (883544, 18.51%) 200 - 250 (835595, 17.51%) > 250 (388405, 8.14%) |
Systolic BP | 11,940,201 | 250 | 115 - 139 (3922109, 47.57%) 90 - 114 (2597657, 31.51%) 140 - 165 (1309925, 15.89%) > 165 (281028, 3.41%) < 90 (134331, 1.63%) |
Column | Number of Records | Unique Values | Top 5 Most Common Values |
Component | 118,537,862 | 24575 | GLUCOSE (1400537, 1.18%) BUN/CREATININE RATIO (1384222, 1.17%) ALT (1306875, 1.10%) AST (1297500, 1.09%) Globulin (1284131, 1.08%) |
LOINC | 118,537,862 | 3943 | 2345-7 (1887228, 1.59%) 2160-0 (1804528, 1.52%) 2075-0 (1796356, 1.52%) 2823-3 (1689844, 1.43%) 17861-6 (1688390, 1.42%) |
Panel Name | 118,537,862 | 12846 | CBC (36071554, 30.43%) CMP (29376750, 24.78%) Urinalysis (11219773, 9.47%) Lipid Panel (5408568, 4.56%) BMP (4122579, 3.48%) |
Column | Number of Records | Unique Values | Top 5 Most Common Values |
Encounter Type | 150,873,230 | 8 | Other Ambulatory (52599989, 34.86%) Ambulatory Visit (43942349, 29.13%) Other (24533179, 16.26%) Unknown (12840053, 8.51%) Inpatient (10758187, 7.13%) |
Column | Number of Records | Unique Values | Top 5 Most Common Values |
PDX | 115,010,077 | 3 | Secondary (48397483, 42.08%) Principal (41174839, 35.80%) Other (25437755, 22.12%) |
DX Type | 115,010,077 | 4 | ICD-10 (77978918, 67.80%) ICD-9 (37031126, 32.20%) |
DX Source | 115,010,077 | 4 | Final (79877311, 69.45%) Unknown (23596924, 20.52%) Admitting (10878011, 9.46%) Discharge (657831, 0.57%) |
DX Origin | 115,010,077 | 2 | Billing (84188047, 73.20%) Order/EHR (30822030, 26.80%) |
DX | 115,010,077 | 60772 | I10 (3128509, 2.72%) Z23 (1166865, 1.01%) 401.9 (1098857, 0.96%) E11.9 (1020955, 0.89%) Z00.00 (894300, 0.78%) |