axiUm Dental

axiUm is an EHR used by the School of Dentistry and attached clinics. It contains demographics, billing, and some medical history data on dental patients. Some patients are refered to other clinics and have less complete records. This data is loaded into the BigMouth Dental Data Repository. Patient counts are updated nightly.

Patient counts last updated: 2022-10-11
By Patient Status # of Patients
Active account 40,899
Discontinued 8,386
Inactive 365,286
New Patient 7,228
Recall 3,381
PH 2,896
Non-Teaching Case 2,836
Patient on Hold 802
Pending 807
Special Patient Clinic 259
Termed 31
By Patient Type # of Patients
DB: School of Dentistry 272,014
OPATH: Oral Pathology 29,495
OMS: Oral Surgery - Scurlock Tower 28,956
PEDI: Pediatric Clinic - HMC 16,816
DBFP: UT Dentists 14,267
VP: Virtual Patient 11,997
MDVP: Mobile Dental Van Patient 4,905
TCHGP: Texas Children's - Greenspoint 7,377
MANIK: SOD - Manikin Comps 3,102
SDPEDI: SOD Predoc Pediatric 923
SOH: Summer Virtual Pts - In Rpts 213
SPC: Special Patient Clinic 363
WREB: WREB/Mock Board 2,785
BT: SOD - BT Comps 38
RESRCH: Research 30
TRNSP: Any GPR Resident 18

Race and Ethnicity are combined as one variable. Below are the distributions:

Race Count
African American 27,587
Caucasian 36,502
Hispanic 57,628
American Indian/Alaskan 408
Asian/Pacific Isle 7,032
Unknown 171
Unspecified 310
Gender Count
Female 228,870
Male 171,657
Unknown 32,211
Other 73

Common billing diagnoses for patients with data in axiUm.

These are linked to the transaction record created when the patient visits a dental clinic. Billing diagnoses may not represent clinical reality.

Common diagnoses in axiUm
Diagnosis Total Records
Exam/Consult/Follow up 819,705
Primary active initial dental caries outer 1/3 of 138,322
Primary dentin caries 224,784
Malocclusion of teeth (disorder) 105,424
Diagnostic tests 100,628
Acquired absence of teeth (disorder) 71,945
Nonrestorable carious tooth (disorder) 63,152
Secondary active initial dental caries outer 1/3 o 58,813
Primary active moderate dental caries middle 1/3 o 55,843
Deep occlusal groove (finding) 42,799